Obito grew up not knowing who his parents were, a sad upbringing which led him to dream of becoming the Hokage one day so that the people of the village would acknowledge him. Obito arrived late for his enrollment in the Academy, but was relieved when Rin Nohara handed him his orientation-documents. He graduated at the age of 9 and was placed in Team Minato with Rin and Kakashi under the leadership of Minato. For their final test to become genin, Minato tasked his potential students with taking one of two bells from him in combat. After failing to take a bell on his own and seeing that Minato's skill was well above their skills, Obito agreed for team work to get the bells. Minato passed all three of them as they succeeded in the real test.

During the Third Shinobi World War, Kakashi was made in charge of the team for a mission to destroy the Kannabi Bridge, which would hinder Hidden Village of Earth from using HiddenVillage of Grass, as a relief point. Before the mission started, Minato and Rin gave gifts to Kakashi to celebrate his promotion to jonin, though Obito had forgotten. Minato was called to the front lines, leaving the team to carry on the mission alone. The three were then discovered by ninja and Rin was kidnapped. Kakashi elected to abandon Rin, believing that it was more important to finish the mission before concerning themselves with her safety. Obito became angry at the idea and insisted that they focus on her rescue. When Kakashi refused, Obito left on his own, remarking that Kakashi was worse than trash for abandoning his friends. Obito Also mentioned that he thought that White Fang was the greatest hero. Because those who break rules are trash but those who abandon
their friends are worse than trash.
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